Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Morbid Puppets of Archon

For today I pulled out the two morbid puppets I've completed so far. I have about 4 more of these half way done, but these two were finished first. I chose to use a sort of sickly or decaying ash covered grass field for their basing as they are the marching armies of the undead of Archon. This was my first attempt at trying to put forth rust and wear on weapons and armor. Considering these mini's didn't take me NEARLY as long as any of the others and came out looking pretty darn decent I'm happy with them. Their not perfect, but they do the mood well enough.

One thing I am really wishing I had done originally with all the skeletons was to prime them in black. As it is I primed them all in gray so now I have a much tougher time using an ink to fill in the ribs and bones with black as I come back to them. Live and learn for sure.

This second morbid puppet has far better bone tone to it than the first. A deep and strong underlying black coat is surely the cause for much of this. Also the model was more open allowing me to get at the various surfaces a little easier.

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