Operation: Frostbite Phase 1, Week 1
Battle: Ice Floe Indy
Therian Company 1 vs U.N.A. Company 1

Round 1:

The Therians then moved forward their Bane Goliaths placing them as near the orange crate and staying to the center of the ice, and command them to take cover. Unable to hold their position from making such a fast rush movement they slid back into the blue crate. The U.N.A. deploys their Wing Trooper squad and assigns them the capture of the crystals that Captain Newton is covering. They do so taking a knee and trying to use the cover to keep the Therians shots from finding them. Lastly the Therians move up their unit of Assault Goliaths hugging as close to the Bane Goliaths as possible and similarly take cover behind the crates, slipping only a little they slid to the waters edge on the right. U.N.A then deploys their Wing Trooper Sniper Team who first take a pot shot at the assault goliaths, disabling one, before moving out to the crate on the right side taking cover behind it. Lastly the U.N.A. Steel Trooper squad leery of the cold water surrounding them on all sides, and also not wanting to risk the jump over it they attempt to hold position, but slip to the waters edge on the south.
The U.N.A. capture and control both the north east container and the northern crystal, scoring 2 VP, and 200 RP.
The Therians capture and control two containers, scoring 4 VP, and 100 RP.
Round 2:

Next up the Wing Trooper squad moved up to capture the Karman and UNA container. They open fire on the Wrath Golgoth their multi-lasers proving useless while their two Laser Gun bears are able to score one hit against a leg hobbling its motion. Once more they take cover and a knee to keep out of Captain Newton’s line of fire. Before moving the Assault Goliaths open fire on the Steel Trooper squad killing 3 of the soldiers. Then they move up to keep control of the orange container and use it as cover from the sniper team. Their preferred targets having taken cover the sniper team moves up onto the container taking shots of the Storm Golems eliminating two of them. Having lost two of their numbers but more leery of falling into the icy waters to their south the Storm Golems move north to wrap the container, the footing proves more solid this time and they maintain position. The steel troopers open fire, missing with their missile before moving away from the waters edge.
The U.N.A. captures and controls both the karman and UNA central containers and maintain control of the crystals and container from the previous round scoring 6 VP, and 200 RP. Total: 8 VP, 400 RP.
The Therians maintain control of the two containers, scoring 4 VP, and 0 RP. Total: 8 VP, 100 RP.
Round 3:

The Wing Troopers split fire the two laser guns trying to make purchase upon the Wrath, but fail to. The rest of the squad takes up over watch positions. Next the Therian Bane Goliaths move into position on top of the container, as they clear the top the Wing Troopers open fire yet fail to make any lasting damage, the Bane’s return fire eliminating 5 of the wing troopers. Captain Newton seeing her men taking losses moves up and fires upon the Bane’s ignoring the nearly crippled Wrath Golgoth. Her shots strike true and she cuts two down. The Storm Golems once again move forward to stay on the ice, their footing having been so far a great trouble. Taking cover and setting up over watch positions while being ready to split their fire. Lastly the Steel Troopers launch their missile at the Wrath missing entirely, before opening up on the Assault Goliaths with their lasers, failing to penetrate with either weapon. The ice pushes them slightly to the side.
The U.N.A. continues to control both the Karman and UNA central containers and maintain control of the crystals and container from the previous round scoring 6 VP, and 100 RP, and spent 300 RP on the Death Dealer TAC ARMs. Total: 14 VP, 200 RP.
The Therians maintain control of the two containers and capture the crystals, scoring 4 VP, and 150 RP. Total: 12 VP, 250 RP
Round 4:

With the line falling apart and the Defender Cobra proving all but impossible to destroy the Wrath fires with the Nucleus Cannon utilizing its sniper ability it is able to finish off Number One. Captain Newton spends the LP to eject, firing her chair and aiming back to the safety of the crystal and the team of wing troopers covering it. Luck being with the stalwart commander she lands near the ice and only stumbles slightly on the ice. She readies her multilaser and prepares to hold her position. The Wing Troopers hoping to avenger their fallen commanders AVF fire their laser gun upon the wrath missing entirely. Not wanting to give up their position covering two containers the remaining troops go into over watch. The Therians seeing their ability to take control of Ice Floe Indy in jeopardy move the Storm Golems forward to take position between the three containers. The ice still giving them trouble pushes them to the left. Finishing the round out Defender Cobra and the Steel troopers open fire on the Wrath destroying its last weapon but intact.
The U.N.A. controls only two containers this round, as well as the crystals, scoring 4 VP and 100 RP. They spend 215 RP to deploy the remaining Steel Trooper squad. Total: 18 VP, 85 RP.
The Therians continue to control the central three containers but loose control of the crystals. Scoring 6 VP, and 0 RP. Total: 18 VP, 250 RP
Round 5:

The U.N.A. gain control of the central blue UNA container, and maintain control of the Karman container. They also control two crystals, having captured the second one, scoring 6 VP and 250 RP. Total: 20 VP, 335 RP.
The Therians loose control of everything this round, including the sector. Scoring 0 VP, and 0 RP. Total: 18 VP, 250 RP
1 comment:
Nice detailed battle report!
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